How to create a well structured mood board
Do you love moodboarding but have never thought about applying certain techniques in an efficient way to get your message across?
This video course is for you if:
– you want to learn how to get a simple and beautiful message through your mood board
– you want to get clarity in a creative process and organize your ideas in a visual way
Clarity comes from engagement and action. And putting a mood board together will help you focus down to the main elements so your message stays simple but straight to the point.
This extensive course contains 19 video clips and a bonus video including:
– a 3 steps program to plan, execute and follow-up on your mood board
– 8 techniques to create a well structured mood board you probably have never thought of before
– a life moodboarding session
– tips & tricks and loads of visual inspiration
Moodboarding is a great and often underestimated tool for any creative project. Let´s sum up some thoughts on how you can benefit by creating you own mood boards.
If you are multi passionate having many ideas floating around, it's a great way to help you focus down, get clarity and commit to the design process itself.
You will safe a lot of time (and money) when working on a project, starting pinning down your inspirations in a structured way right from the beginning.
Misunderstandings between you and your client are drastically reduced when working together on a mood board where concepts are stated in a very visual way.
Moodboarding is an ongoing process being flexible and can be modified at any stage.
Mood boards are a great possibility to express yourself creatively. You don´t have to be a designer neither an artist. Everyone can learn this technique.
Your mood boards are personal, therefore authentic, and they help you to stand out.
You can stream and/or download all videos anytime and as often as you like.
Have a great time.
01 Welcome
Get started with a brief overview of what the video course contains.
02 What is a mood board?
Generally talking a mood board is a compilation of colors, printed images, different materials that add structure and interest and sometimes text. These elements all together are representing the general style of a project in a very visual and often even sensorial way.
03 Components of a mood board
One of the core messages of the course is when putting together mood boards, think of yourself as a curator rather than a collector. Please get tactile and work with your hands. In this video you will discover a lot of materials you can use for creating stunning mood boards.
04 Tactile vs digital mood board
Let´s think briefly about tactile vs. digital mood boards. Actually I benefit from both techniques, tactile and digital, but if I have the choice I always prefer creating boards with physical elements. In this video you will see why.
05 The concept of a mood board
In this video you learn some contextual stuff, which I believe is really helpfull. Because if you consider this creative technique to be more than just moving around some color chips, fotos and props, you can get a real benefit from it.
06 Analysis and keywords
I believe this one to be essentiell. A collage tends to be confusing if there is no coherent message behind which you can avoid with a first simple analysis. And for you too it's so much easier to start when you know what your board is about. In this video I show you how you can define keywords a...
07 Curating a mood board
You are not just assembling stuff, neither it is a cut and paste afair, but you are telling a story where connections between one element and the next are essential. This is where magic happens! In this video I explain briefly the main characteristics of the curating process itself.
08 Follow-up
Before we are going deeper into the structuring process, let´s finish up the three steps first. You have learned by now how to define your keywords, you have curated the matching materials, you have put them together but we are not done yet. Why not? I'd like to invite you to do a follow-up to ge...
09 Eight guidelines for structuring a Mood Board
Before we finally get practical let me say that none of these eight guidelines we are talking about are set in stone, but they all work for me. Please watch this brief overview before you start working with the guidelines.
10 Backdrop
Since your images and materials are providing enough information, a neutral backdrop can be crucial. Let´s see how you can work with backdrops.
11 Overlaying
Overlaying is a useful technique when you want to work with a foreground and a background to create depth. You can apply the following guidelines to keep all important content visible and to fit a lot of material on your board without getting to cluttered.
13 Negative space
Color is an eyecatcher and we have seen how to effectively use and overlay color so far. Now we are talking about negative space, another key player for great compositions. Negative space is one of my favorite topics to work on.
14 Print texture split
I have selected one of my mood board to demonstrate what works best for me when it comes to split images and textures. If you follow some simple rules you´ll get the best results.
16 Working with text
Adding text can be interesting when wanting to underline a message by using your keywords. It´s not a must but it may support the viewer to get on the right path to your story.
17 Attaching materials
We have curated a very well structured collage now. All the elements are put nicely togehter, we are happy with the result, but now what's next? There are many ways to stick your materials to your board. In this video I show you some ways how to fix everything properly when you want to transport ...
18 Live moodboarding session
If you still believe only a designer can create a nice mood board, I'll demonstrate you now with a making of session how easy it is. I'll walk you step by step through a process you have probably been waiting for.
19 Conclusion
Let´s some up very briefly how you can benefit from the moodboarding technique.
20 BONUS - Earthy Color Trend 2016 - 17
BONUS CONTENT only for subscribers of our moodboard course